Made of ground rice and sweetened with cinnamon, sugar and vanilla and the texture is more watery than milky, and the light, refreshing flavor is the perfect way to combat the tongue-blistering heat of Mexican hot sauce.
They (Mexican) don't eat rice then transferred it in the form of solution (milky).. erkkk I dont even think I'm able to drink it!!

O0Ongggggg kedek kedek... 0oOoOoOOnnggggg kedek kedek!
before they blend this little tiny cutie frog, once they peel off the skin outside, we know that the skin is poisonous so that they remove and clean it. (are you really dare to drink it?? hahahhahaaa) I bet you won't!!!
however, according to the web, this juice is good for health.. cause it has the power to cure asthma, bronchitis, sluggishness and a low sex drive. I dont know how true the fact about this research... hahahaaaha... totally I won't try it though you give me 500 bugs! never okey!

errrkkkk!! this is known as White Wine Gigantic Deer Penis... I dont have any idea to write bout this.. hahaha.. the way to drink it is by immersed the penis and water in a big glass or beaker! imagined that the penis is a fruit like orange, rambutan, laici and what so ever laa that you can chew! but will you drink it??

placenta from a pig! ouh man before this I only know that some cosmetics and facial cleanser use this pig placenta as one of the main ingredient! but somehow, it can be drink?? can someone give me a good reason why why and why????? huhuhu
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